

Future of Nursing & Midwifery Leadership TwitterChat

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Imagine the health and care system in 2030, what different and additional leadership skills and attributes will nurses and midwives need? Join us on 28 September from 7-8pm on Twitter/X for our live #FNFChat. Hear more on this from Professor Greta Westwood, FNF’s CEO:

At FNF we work to stay ahead of the curve to ensure we are providing the best, most appropriate support to nurses and midwives. Our aim is to develop the workforce’s personal and leadership skills to improve care and save lives.

We are therefore seeking feedback from those who know what these future support needs might be – you!

Please join us online on Thursday 28 September between 7 and 8pm to share your experience and ideas. We will be asking the following questions.

  1. As healthcare evolves, what new challenges do you anticipate nurses and midwives will face in 2030?  
  2. Reflecting on the challenges identified in Q1, what leadership skills will help address them? 
  3. Collaboration and technology are reshaping healthcare. How can nurse and midwife leaders embrace technology, AI and innovation in 2030 to enhance patient care and outcomes? Examples, please! 
  4. The diversity of patients and healthcare professionals is increasing. How can leadership in nursing and midwifery promote inclusivity, cultural competence, and equity in healthcare by 2030? 
  5. Patient safety is paramount in healthcare. How can nurse and midwife leaders contribute to and promote a robust safety culture within healthcare organisations in 2030? Share your thoughts! 

Don’t worry if you have never been to a Twitter/X chat before – there are no rules except to be respectful to others. You can respond to all the questions or just one. Or just come online and see how it goes.

The feedback and learning that is shared with us will be used to inform our programmes and activities and as part of our thought leadership and policy work.

Do join us on Twitter/X on Thursday evening.