

Big Give Doubles Your Donation

As a charity, FNF relies on our partners, alumni, members and supporters to help us continue our work. As part of the nationwide ‘Big Give week’, from midday on Tuesday 28 November to midday on Tuesday 5 December, any donation you make via the Big Give website page will be doubled thanks to our pledge funders ShinyMind and Candis Club. 

Funds raised during the Big Give campaign will go to our Nightingale Frontline peer support service.

84% of nurses and midwives reported a decline in their mental health in the past year. Research shows a strong connection between the quality of patient and health care and the emotional and mental well-being of health and care staff.

‘You have to look after yourself before you can look after others.’

Our Nightingale Frontline service launched in April 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to provide an online support service for nurses and midwives across the UK. At that time, our goal was to provide emotional well-being support for all nurses and midwives as they battled the unprecedented demands of the pandemic on a daily basis. Today the service remains in very high demand.

To date, FNF have supported over 3,500 participants across the health, social care and the voluntary sector. Attendees have found real value in working through leadership challenges, and thinking through new approaches to difficult situations.

Please help us reach our Big Give campaign target of £20,000 to support even more nurses and midwives. 

Remember, to double the donation you must give via our Big Give website page from midday on Tuesday 28 November: not before!