

Anne Watkins

Having trained initially as a nurse in 1985 and later qualifying as a Midwife in 1991, Anne has gained 32 years of midwifery experience. She has worked across all aspects of maternity services, establishing an integrated Midwifery-Led Care Birth Centre, and worked locally and nationally on work streams, delivering the maternity vision for Wales. Anne holds a Master’s Degree in Advanced Practice and Education for Health Professionals. As a Senior Midwife, Anne sought to amplify the voices of both women and Midwives to ensure they are at the forefront of planning and delivering maternity services. As a Florence Nightingale Digital Leadership Scholar, Anne was given the opportunity and power to influence and provide maternity services with a voice in the digital arena. Anne is currently working as the Welsh National Maternity Clinical Informaticist; Anne is strongly interested in raising the digital technology profile across maternity services in Wales and the UK. She is committed to modernising the service and embraces innovation with enthusiasm. She believes that maternity services should be women-centred, clinically led and supported by digital transformation.