

The Lamp Procession Book: answering our call for help

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  • The Lamp Procession Book: answering our call for help

In April, we called out on our social media channels to see if we could find a calligrapher to help us with something special. That something special was for a book that will play an important part in the history of the Florence Nightingale Commemoration Service which has been taking place since 1965.

We needed someone skilled in calligraphy who could help us create a lasting memory of all the Lamp Carriers and Lamp Escorts from each Florence Nightingale Commemoration Service, so that we will have a special reminder of every person who has taken part in this wonderful service over the years and in the future.

Luckily, our call for help was answered not by one, but by many talented individuals and we chose the fabulous Emma Janavicius to help us create ‘The Lamp Procession’ book.

Emma has been a Paediatric Nurse since 2019 but she also has a calligraphy and engraving business which she started in 2017. She specialises in modern calligraphy and engraving and offers bespoke/personalised services working in partnership with well-known brands for calligraphy and engraving services throughout the year. 

Emma told us: “This to date is one of the most exciting projects I have been asked to be a part of.” 
We wanted to share some of Emma’s work as a thank you for the help she has so kindly given us. Please do look out on our social channels where we will share some of Emma’s work in the ‘Lamp Procession Book’ in the lead-up to the Florence Nightingale Commemoration Service which takes place on 15 May.
We are still missing the names of the Lamp Carrier’s and Escorts from 1965-1968, if you can help us find these people, please do get in touch.
You can see more of Emma’s work and follow her on Instagram at @emmasinkpot