

Star Alumni Series: Sarah Herbert

Sarah Herbert

Meet our latest Star Alumni, Sarah Herbert, Deputy Chief Nurse at University Hospital, Southampton. Here she shares her thoughts on how a FNF scholarship boosted her passion as a nurse leader…

Student Councils Series: Amber Wait

Emma Bird

student councils SERIES: amber wait Home Student Councils Series Amber Wait Student Council Member (BOB ICS) My name is Amber Wait; I am a Second Year Adult Nursing student from Oxford Brookes University. I applied to be a Student Council Member to ensure that the voices of students were being heard to alleviate any pressures […]

Star Alumni Series: Shellie Radford

IBD Nurse Shellie Radford

Meet FNF’s latest Star Alumna, Shellie Radford, who is a Clinical Academic IBD Nurse Specialist at NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre & Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. Shellie’s travel scholarship has taken her across Europe – and she’s got even more exciting projects in the pipeline. Plus, she’s the recipient of the ‘Student Nursing Times’ Learner of the Year: Post-registration’ award. Read her inspiring story here.

“I am a gastroenterology nurse but I specialise in IBD (inflammatory bowel disease). My actual specialism is Crohn’s disease; that’s where my research as well as my clinical practice sits. My background was as a senior research nurse at a biomedical research centre.”

Star Alumni Series: Ruth Wall

Ruth Wall

I’m Ruth Wall, Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, and I completed the Windrush Leadership Programme. The way I heard about the programme was through one of my managers in medicine. She said, “This will be great for you, I think you should do it – I’ll be your sponsor and support you in whatever you need.”

It changed my pathway and opened my eyes. I think it was the first time I’ve been in a room with 70 people who look more like me – that doesn’t happen on training courses in organisations. There were people of all different races, religions, cultures, genders. It was very varied, and we obviously connected well with each other because we’re still connecting every day.

Star Alumni Series: Dr Nikki Cotterill and Improving Confidence in Continence

Dr Nikki Cotterill

The scholarship was phenomenal from start to finish. It provided such a breadth of learning that was needed at that stage of my career.

The modules were extremely empowering, stand-out learning opportunities as they enabled an exploration of my potential to be a leader, and understand how to be effective for the benefit of patients, colleagues, and the wider system.