

Gill Rogers, BA, RN, MSc.

Gill is an independent consultant, facilitator, coach  and systems leader who specialises in bringing teams together to improve outcomes through working with individuals. She is passionate about improving individuals’ potential and works at all levels to achieve this.


Gill, BA, RN has an MSc in Management Development and Social Responsibility (Bristol University) and is a CEDR accredited mediator. She has worked as a nurse and held several senior management roles in a variety of NHS and private organisations. Gill is an accredited Time to Think facilitator and coach.


Gill is particularly experienced at working with staff in Primary Care organisations often helping organisations in a fragmented system value their most precious resource – staff. She is adept at helping professionals and leaders make sense of complexity so that they can manage the landscape and politics to deliver high quality of care through coaching and facilitation.


Gill was Director of General Practice Nursing at London-wide Local Medical Committees until 2017, establishing leadership forums for General Practice Nurses (GPNs) and Practice Managers in London.

Gill co- created an education standard for GPNs (QISS) across London and was involved in a national initiative to identify education roles to support General Practice Nursing. As part of the Capital Nurse Programme Gill has co-authored a guide on pensions for GPN staff and is currently providing sessions for GP employers to drive up standards in this area as well as providing support to nurses and administration on their planning for retirement.


Gill led the GPN programme for Capital Nurse and NHSE/I (London) working on workforce initiatives regionally and nationally until March 2021. Gill founded and chaired a leadership group for General Practice Nurses in London.


Gill facilitates leadership support groups for nurses with the  Florence Nightingale Foundation. Gill facilitates action  learning sets for nurses and coaches mid-career nurses aspiring to be leaders of the future.


Gill is a non- executive Director of Risky Business Events, who provide an annual conference on human factors, is a Trustee for Signpost Watford ( counselling services for young people), a Trustee for the Eaton Fund and volunteers for Mediation Hertfordshire.