

Andrea Willimott RGN/RM/BSc (Hons)/MA

I started my career in nursing and have over 37 years’ experience of clinical, managerial, and strategic working in all sectors. I have always been interested in people development, which started early in my career as a mentor then when I trained as a coach in 2012 through the Northwest Leadership Academy, I have undertaken regular CPD through the Academy, I was fortunate to work with a external coaching provider InterBe and gained some experience in Narrative Coaching and recently completed the CMI level 7 Certificate in leadership Coaching & Mentoring in support of my practice. I am also part of the NHS England Coaches supporting aspiring Clinical Directors.


I have coached staff of all levels since 2012 and continue to practice. I have also benefitted from some fantastic coaches and would love to support colleagues from different sectors.


I am passionate about and understand the challenges and issues of Health and Social Care. I have worked throughout my career in and around Health and Social Care and have system level experience having worked within three separate Integrated Care Systems (ICSs). My roles have taken me from a front-line clinician, to operational, strategic and system level projects and programs in everything from pathway/service redesign to reconfiguration of stroke and vascular services. I have held operational roles in all key service areas from a General Manager role in Medicine, Surgery and Specialist Services and then have held a Divisional Director level role in both Specialist and General Surgery areas with responsibility for 1/3 of an Acute Trust. I have also had the opportunity to undertake a number of Program Director roles and a Board Level post as a Director of Governance. I worked for a commercial company for three and half years which took me across the Country and covering a wide range of roles.


I completed my initial training with the NHS through the leadership academy in 2012 and have consistently coached staff or all levels since, such as Consultant Cardiologist, Clinical Psychologist, General Managers, aspiring Managers, and clinical staff.  I also utilise my skills daily in my work with clients. I do use tools and techniques where it feels appropriate for the client and offer time, space, and active listening to support colleagues through coaching, as they require.