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Windrush Leadership Programme England – Health Education England


The Florence Nightingale Foundation, with the kind support of Health Education England, are pleased to offer this programme to nurses and midwives who are of a Global Majority (ethnic minority) background, in England.

The aims and objectives of the programme are to enable:

  • Clearer identification of personal leadership style
  • Greater self-presence and personal impact
  • Deeper understanding of the impact of self on others
  • Improved confidence in speaking up
  • Ability to understand and lead improvement
  • Renewed self-reliance to tackle real workplace issues
  • Greater awareness of personal approach to leadership – biases, blind spots, attitude to diversity
  • Career promotion
  • Ability to lead with greater presence
  • Improved patient and health outcomes


Successful applicants will be allocated a cohort for this programme. Dates for the programme for each of the two cohorts can be seen below.

Nurses and midwives practising in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland click here.


Programme dates and Structure

9 December 2022

Applications open

20 January 2023

Applications close

31 January 2023

Shortlisting outcomes released

24 February 2023

Welcome Day (Cohort one)


9.30am – 2pm GMT

2 May 2023

Welcome Day (Cohort two)


9.30am – 2pm GMT

TBC February 2023

Quality Improvement (Cohort one)


17 May 2023

Quality Improvement (Cohort two)


2 or 3 March 2023

RADA (Cohort one)

Face to Face

You will be required to attend one session and will be notified of the date when you have been allocated to your session.

5 or 6 June 2023

RADA (Cohort two)

Face to Face

You will be required to attend one session and will be notified of the date when you have been allocated to your session.

TBC April 2023

Stepping into your authority (Cohort one)

TBC July 2023

Stepping into your authority (Cohort two)

24 May 2023

Action Learning Set (Cohort one)

1 August 2023

Action Learning Set (Cohort two)

TBC June 2023

Next Steps (Cohort one)

TBC September 2023

Next Steps (Cohort two)

24 September 2023

Quality Improvement Submission (Cohort one)

Deadline 12noon

12 December 2023

Quality Improvement Submission (Cohort two)

Deadline 12noon


Celebration Event

Day 1

Personality Preferences and Performance in Teams (Virtual)  

Utilising Myer Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) we will explore how personality preference influence personal leadership styles and how awareness can enable the promotion of high performing teams.

Day 2

Principles and Practice of Quality Improvement (Virtual)

An introduction to QI including approaches to leading change management and measuring impact. Each participant will complete a project linked to the NHS International Recruitment agenda to support sustainability of the INMA work.

Day 3

Presentation of Self: Presence & Impact (Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts RADA – Face to Face)

Practical approaches to developing confidence and clarity in the delivery of key messages for a range of audiences including the media and senior stakeholders.

** Travel and accommodation are not funded.

Day 4 and Day 5

Stepping into your Authority (Virtual)

Development of leadership attributes which enable influence from ward to board. Specific consideration will be given to exploring the INA leader’s sphere of authority in relation to systems leadership and leading upwards.

Day 6

Celebration Event (Face to face)

An opportunity to network showcase and celebrate the impact of INMA leaders to raise the profile of this significant career pathway.

** Travel and accommodation are not funded.

Additional information

Each participant on the programme will be expected to undertake an improvement project which will enable them to apply their learning to practice.

The top projects will be selected to present at the Celebration Event.

All participants will join the FNF alumni community and receive on going networking and leadership development opportunities through events, webinars, media engagement and policy thought leadership.

Be part of a 'Life-Changing' experience

Participants report the ‘life changing’ leadership experience and its professional and personal impact. Participants report feeling more confident to speak out and influence improvements in patient care and health outcomes.

Eligibility Criteria

To participate in the programme you must: 

  • be a registered nurse or midwife with the NMC.

  • come from a Global Majority (ethnic minority) background.

  • be practising in England.

  • be a minimum of two years post qualification.

Application Process

The application, shortlisting and selection processes will be administered nationally by the Florence Nightingale Foundation.

Click here for the application form.

What you will need to demonstrate in your application form and interview:

  • How you will use the programme to work with others, learn from, and share experiences.
  • How the programme will support your personal development plan (PDP).
  • How you will use the experience to improve patient and health outcomes.
  • Your aspirations to develop as a leader.
  • Support from your line manager and Chief Nurse to enable you to attend all learning sessions/opportunities as part of this programme.

Upon application, you are required to upload the following information:

  • Personal, employment and education information.
  • A copy of your professional registration documentation (NMC Registration).
  • An electronic photo of yourself (head and shoulders in high resolution).
  • A completed nominator referral form (completed by your line manager and Chief Nurse) with authorisation to join the programme.
  • Completed terms and conditions.

Please note before application:

  • Applications that do not demonstrate commitment to the profession, improving patient and health outcomes, commitment to the Florence Nightingale Foundation Alumni will not be considered
  • Incomplete applications will not be accepted
  • Applications without line manager or Chief Nurse support will not be accepted
  • Download Senior Sponsor Form
  • Programme places are fully funded however any associated travel or accommodation must be covered by your employing organisation. Signing of the senior sponsor form is acknowledgement of this statement.

If you have any questions about applying for this programme, please email [email protected]

Programme Details