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Internationally Educated Nurses and Midwives Online Leadership Programme – sponsored places

Sponsored Places Available

We have a new opportunity for internationally educated nurses, midwives and AHPs employed providing NHS services across the SE, to join our interactive online leadership programme.

Participants of this online programme will get the chance to develop their own authentic leadership style and to enhance their skills; enabling them to improve their service and boost their career opportunities.

The course consists of 30-40 hours of self-directed study over four months with four interactive facilitated webinar sessions.

Our next programme date runs from October to January. Find out more about the modules below. You can apply for a sponsored (free) place here.

Applications will close once places are filled.

Eligibility Criteria

We are accepting applications for individual sponsored places from:

  • All registered nurses, midwives or AHPs, currently working in the South-East of the UK and employed providing NHS services.
  • Nurses, midwives or AHPs who gained their primary nursing or midwifery qualification outside the UK.

Applications will close once the places are filled.

Learning Outcomes: 
  • Ability to lead with greater presence and personal impact  
  • Clearer identification of personal leadership style 
  • Improved confidence in speaking up 
  • Ability to understand and lead quality improvement 
  • Confidence and understanding of how to progress your career  

We have received extremely positive feedback from commissioners and participants of previous cohorts of this programme.

“We have performed a post-impact evaluation for the previous cohort of IENMs who have completed the programme and have received positive responses as the programme supports their preparation for their career development and in becoming their own type of leader. Since the programme has concluded, there have been members of the cohort who either had secured a different post, applied for a post and led or taken part in improvement projects. From the post-programme impact feedback that we have gathered, the programme has influenced these efforts. For globally educated colleagues, being offered opportunities such as the programme, facilitates their realisation of their leadership capability and provides them with the tools to enhance and hone. It is vital that these talents amongst our IENMs are nurtured and enriched here as they become a huge part of our present and, most importantly, future workforce. This is the possibility the programme presents.” Lindy P Garrucho, Senior Clinical Educator, International Nursing, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust

“As a first-time overseas recruit, I must admit that I did not expect that the emotional struggle an internationally educated professional faced would test my breaking point….A huge THANK YOU to all the organisers and lecturers for recognising our struggles and finding ways to support and help us.” Previous programme participant

Hear directly from a number of previous programme participants in this recent Nursing Standard article

Programme Structure

The online programme will be undertaken over 4 months. It includes 5 modules which will be opened up one by one for participants to work through at their own pace, meaning they can fit their learning around work and other commitments.

We estimate participants will need around 30-40 hours to complete the course content in total. They will work through some modules quicker than others but will gain more from the programme by reflecting on what they have learned from each.

The online learning has end-of-chapter quizzes but there are no long form essays or projects to complete.

Participants will be able to interact with fellow participants via various online opportunities throughout the course. This will include an interactive webinar with expert facilitators and nursing and midwifery leaders at the end of modules 2-5. 

The modules of the programme are:  

Module 1
Personality Preferences and Performance in Teams  

Online learning – Utilising Myer Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) we will explore how personality preference influence personal leadership styles and how awareness can enable the promotion of high performing teams. 

Learning Outcomes 

  • Establish individual cohort learning communities
  • Introduce concept of self and impact of self on others through the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • Explore the MBTI preference pairs and apply concepts to self through a range of experiential learning exercises
  • Consider the outcome of your MBTI self-assessment and questionnaire to identify areas for personal and team development
Module 2
Principles and Practice of Quality Improvement  

Online learning – An introduction to QI including approaches to leading change management and measuring impact.  

Learning Outcomes 

  • Understand what is meant by Quality Improvement (QI) and how it applies to your individual practice
  • Understand how QI can be used to help influence changes for continual improvements to care and experience
  • Be familiar with the Model for Improvement and how to use it as a framework to make effective change
  • Have worked through an example of how QI can be used in day-to-day practice in health and care
  • Be confident to identify and address an opportunity for improvement in your own workplace 

Live webinar at the end of Module 2.

Module 3
Leading with Presence & Impact   

Online learning – Practical approaches to developing confidence and clarity in the delivery of key messages for a range of audiences. Led by RADA Business.

Learning Outcomes 

  • Self-awareness of individual body, breath and vocal habits and how this effects communicative impact
  • Learning how to manage nerves, imposter syndrome and workplace anxieties to communicate with impact, clarity and influence in all situations
  • Understanding of the physiology of communication, experiential practice, and clarity as to how to establish and enhance skills
  • Building confidence through sharing and problem-solving challenging behaviours that emerge within the workplace

Live webinar at the end of Module 3.

Module 4
Using your Authority and Influencing Change  

Online learning – Development of leadership attributes which enable influence from ward to board. Specific consideration will be given to exploring the sphere of your authority and leading upwards.  

Learning Outcomes (subject to change) 

  • Be familiar with the Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle and have used its structure to keep reflective notes in your learning journal
  • Experimented in real life situations with your personal authority to influence and manage change
  • Developed skills in self-confidence; political and emotional intelligence; assertiveness; and managing change
  • Evaluated your personal authority and personal power by recording examples of your experiments of using these behaviours in your learning journal

Live webinar at the end of Module 4.

Module 5
An Introduction to Co-consulting 

Online learning – Promoting psychological safety in organisations and teams. To explore the theory and evidence that underpins co-consulting as an effective method of peer coaching. 

Learning Outcomes 

  • Learning how to work in a small group with colleagues, and through a structured questioning / listening approach, effectively work on real problems being faced
  • Developing individuals’ learning experience, so personal awareness of potential changed behaviours that may be possible in tackling problems, is increased
  • Increasing individuals’ understanding of personal effectiveness and personal power

Live webinar at the end of Module 5.

Celebration event

Virtual celebration event to conclude the programme.

Programme Dates: October 2024 start

October 2024

First module opens

Personality Preferences and Performance in Teams 

October 2024

Principles and Practice of Quality Improvement 

Webinar 1 on 31 October

November 2024

Leading with Presence & Impact

Webinar 2 on 28 November

December 2024

Using your Authority and Influencing Change

Webinar 3 on 19 December

January 2025

An Introduction to Co-consulting

Webinar 4 on 23 January

End of January 2025

Programme closes

February 2025

Celebration Event (Virtual)

Programme Details