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After providing for your loved ones, please consider leaving a gift to the Florence Nightingale Foundation.

Help us to continue to pioneer the latest changes in health and care

Leaving a gift in your Will means that nurses and midwives will be able to access the most highly sought-after leadership training in the UK; that we can be here for our nurses and midwives when they need us most and that we can continue to pioneer the latest changes in health and care, influencing policy and practice, just as Florence did.

Nurse working on laptop.

A personal and important decision

We understand that leaving a gift in your Will is an incredibly personal and important decision. You can read more about the impact donations can make to our nurses and midwives on our Impact page.

Graphic with words "remember us in your will, help our wok live on."

For more information about writing or updating your Will, click on the link below.

Remember a Charity guide

Our dedicated page on the Remember A Charity website can be found here.

If you would like a confidential discussion about including the Florence Nightingale Foundation in your Will, please email Clementine Kumar, FNF Fundraising Manager, or call 020 7730 3030.

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Group of people sitting facing to the left listening to a speaker who is not in the photograph.