We are here to support nurses and midwives when they need us the most. Our Nightingale Frontline® Leadership Support Service is an online, peer support service that provides a psychological safe space to explore professional and personal challenges within your organisation.
Nightingale Frontline® launched in April 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to provide a support service for nurses and midwives across the UK. At that time, our goal was to provide emotional well-being support for all nurses and midwives as they battled the unprecedented demands of the pandemic on a daily basis.
To date, FNF have directly supported over 3,500 participants across the health, social care and the voluntary sector. Attendees have found real value in working through leadership challenges alongside peers, and learning new approaches to difficult situations. During a time of constant change attendees have welcomed the calm and supportive environment.
Today the service remains in very high demand as our nurses and midwives continue to manage the direct and indirect effects of the pandemic across health and social care, as well as ongoing challenges of seasonal pressures and staff shortages.
Our expert facilitators create a secure and confidential environment for staff at all levels to come together, tpo ecompress and reflect on eladership challenges, as well as learning new approches to difficult situtions.
If your organisation or Trust is interested in accessing the Nightingale Frontline® Leadership Support Service, the cost is £5,000 for 30 places. FNF Academy member organisations benefit from a 10% discount on the cost.
We offer you a completely bespoke session for your organisation’s midwives and nurses. With your purchased 30 spaces you can book your sessions which are for a maximum of six participants. They are available from 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday, every week of the year. Sessions last between 90 minutes and 3 hours. Sessions are completely confidential so employers will not receive any feedback about conversations that take place. It is a safe space for open discourse. No identifiable data is sent and no additional information is shared with the employer.
Please contact our Frontline Coordinator to find out more and book a session.
We are now also offering a practical group coaching programme to enable organisations to support the psychological safety of their workforce in an ongoing way. Our co-consulting Facilitator Masterclass will enable us to reach as many nurses and midwives as possible. By completing this programme participants will develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to go on to facilitate supportive sessions in their own workplace, using a problem solving approach.
Find out more about our Frontline Facilitation Masterclass programme below.
And finally…
Have you tried the Shinymind app?
If you are an NHS nurse, midwife, nursing associate or healthcare support worker in England you can help support your mental health and well-being by downloading the nursing version of the ShinyMind app here for free.

Nightingale Frontline® Facilitation Online Masterclass Programme (Commissions)
- Support your team and colleagues with their emotional wellbeing.
- A practical group coaching programme to enable you to better support the psychological safety of your workforce.
- Develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to go on to facilitate supportive sessions in your own workplace, using a problem solving approach.
Applications open: Open for commissions (min booking of 30 per group)
Programme dates: Dates to fit around you
More information
Open to: NHS, social care or private healthcare organisations
Location: Online
Cost: Please get in touch