Florence Nightingale Foundation’s Leadership Scholarships are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to develop your nursing or midwifery career whilst improving clinical and health outcomes. They are open to nurses and midwives working at UK Health and Social Care Agenda for Change (or equivalent for independent sector or internationally) band 7 and above.
Scholars follow an in-depth personal development plan with experiential learning and individual assessments throughout. They also have an experienced mentor and access to fellow scholars for support.
Whether you are looking for the next step, investigating the opportunity to become a future director, aspiring to engage more with the executive board, have dreams of engaging in a systems leadership role or have reached a senior position and are looking to stretch and develop yourself beyond your previous expectations, this opportunity is perfect.
We welcome applications from the UK and internationally, through a single application process.
The Scholarship programme includes:
- Individual coaching including feedback on results of psychometric assessments.
- Experienced mentor allocated.
- Welcome day.
- Leadership development programme (2 days residential).
- Personal Presence and Impact (3 days) delivered by the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA).
- A continuous improvement project. (Read some published projects from previous Scholars here.)
- Bespoke Development Opportunities. (for the first time, all Scholars will have the option of completing the CHIME digital leadership programme)
- Invitation to the Florence Nightingale Commemorative Service at Westminster Abbey, London.
- High-profile celebration event to celebrate the success of our FNF Scholars.
- FNF team on hand to support you throughout the process.
- Our Scholarship places for UK-based applicants are sponsored by a number of different organisations. Please note there is also a £1,500 employer contribution requirement.
- Participants will need to pay all travel costs and any additional accommodation costs not noted above.
- Unfortunately, we have no sponsored Scholarship places this year for applicants outside the UK, international applicants will need to arrange their own funding or sponsor. Please get in touch for more details.
The FNF Scholarship was a significant turning point in my career. It opened doors (and my mind!). I have worked with wonderful teams across the country, supported the validation of the new specialist practice qualification in adult social care nursing, and have just been appointed as the first Professor of adult social care nursing by the RCN Foundation and Salford University.
Prof Claire Pryor RN PhD, RCN Foundation Chair in Adult Social Care Nursing, University of Salford
Details and Dates
PLEASE NOTE: If successful, you will be allocated dates for the modules of your scholarship programme, alongside your offer letter. It is crucial that you note these dates and ensure you can attend all modules on the dates you are allocated.
Application deadline
By 12.00 noon
Notification if Invited to Interview
By email
Interview dates
Virtual. 16 December OR 6 January OR 8 January
Welcome Day
Leading with Influence and Authority
2-day residential. One night accommodation provided/included. 15/05/25 – 16/05/25 OR 04/06/25 – 05/06/25 OR 24/06/25 – 25/06/25.
3-Day Residential. Two nights accommodation provided/included. 2/05/25 – 14/05/25 OR 23/09/25 – 25/09/25 OR 14/10/24 – 16/10/24 OR 04/11/25 – 06/11/25
Quality Improvement Online Webinar
Time tbc
Online check-ins with your scholar lead
Timings tbc
Florence Nightingale Commemorative Service at Westminster Abbey
Quality Improvement Abstract & Presentation Submission Deadline
Scholar Celebration Conference
FNF gave me the headspace and time to step back and reflect on myself as a leader and to influence and inspire others. As a result of the Scholarship, I was approached about publishing my project in the Nursing Management Journal. This is a CPD article, it goes step by step into what to do, and broadened out the work, showing that it can be used for any group of staff.
Vinice Thomas, Director of Nursing and Quality, NHSE
Application Process
Apply here
Click here to open the application form. You can start it and come back to it another day before completing/submitting.
Application deadline is 12.00 on 4 November 2024.