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Leadership Programme Open for Commissions

This programme is offered as a starting point. The content and costs can be adapted to meet your needs.

Learning Outcomes

  • Ability to lead with greater presence and personal impact.
  • Clearer identification of personal leadership style.
  • Improved confidence in speaking up.
  • Ability to understand and lead quality improvement.
  • Confidence and understanding of how to progress your career.


For globally educated colleagues, being offered opportunities such as the programme, facilitates their realisation of their leadership capability and provides them with the tools to enhance and hone. It is vital that these talents amongst our IENMs are nurtured and enriched here as they become a huge part of our present and, most importantly, future workforce. This is the possibility the programme presents.

Lindy P Garrucho, Senior Clinical Educator, International Nursing, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust

Programme Modules


Day 1

Personality Preferences and Performance in Teams

Utilising Myer Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) participants will explore how personality preferences influence personal leadership styles and how awareness can enable the promotion of high performing teams.

Learning Outcomes

  • Establish individual cohort learning communities.
  • Introduce concept of self and impact of self on others through the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
  • Explore the MBTI preference pairs and apply concepts to self through a range of experiential learning exercises.
  • Consider the outcome of your MBTI self-assessment and questionnaire to identify areas for personal and team development.


Day 2

Personal Presence & Impact Programme – RADA Business

Practical approaches to developing confidence and clarity in the delivery of key messages for a range of audiences.


Day 3

Next Steps as Authentic Leaders – The King’s Fund

Participants critically consider the principles of authentic leadership, paying attention to how we respond under pressure and support teams through crisis.



Book Places for Your Workforce

To book places (minimum 20) or to find out more please email us.